Tag Archives: poem


Chinese poem illustration Part/周南 关雎/佚名 Lord’s affair

Chinese poem illustration: 周南 关雎/ Zhou Wind – Guanju the Turtledove by Anonymous 1st song in Book of Songs, the book was believed to be the final revision by confucius, not theRead More…



国庆,港乱,犹如冰火相交. 每天被废青无人性,无公益心的蠢行加暴行所困, 不免心境略有低暗, 读诗咏联大大退步了. 对句都在微博上发过, 集腋本博. 云绯染赤柱,水碧洗明珠. 8.27赤柱 百年沧桑桑林树,十载涸泽泽鱼枯。 天若有情天亦老,子时石屎午时庐。 8.27有感 万年阴岭秀,子午味更佳. ​​​​ 9.21西安子午路张记肉夹馍 一曲锦瑟难人解,再抛瓦弄破玉刀. 文章题头


Chinese poem illustration/ 使至塞上/王维 Grand view at Gobi

Chinese poem illustration: 使至塞上/ Envoy to Frontier Fortress by Wang Wei YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 使至塞上 One of the most popular poems by Wang Wei, depicted theRead More…