Tag Archives: 郑风



昭公二十九年”公賜公衍羔裘,使獻龍輔於齊侯,遂入羔裘,齊侯喜,與之陽穀。公衍,公為之生也,其母偕出。公衍先生,公為之母曰,相與偕出,請相與偕告,三日,公為生,其母先以告,公為為兄。公私喜於陽穀,而思於魯,曰,務人為此,禍也,且後生而為兄,其誣也久矣,乃黜之而以公衍為大子“ 左传上言鲁昭公托衣钵于公衍之原委。公衍,公為二人皆鲁昭公之子也,昭公赐公衍以羔裘即颁衣钵,意指于鲁昭公葬礼中,公衍得正传之羔裘以行祭,传位也。龍輔,龍袞,黼黻也,礼记之”天子龍袞,諸侯黼,大夫黻,士玄衣纁裳“行大礼之车服也。鲁昭公献二者于齐侯,乃言君臣之义,而公衍献羔裘,是明其志和等序也:昭公视齐侯为主,我公衍乃昭公之后,同样视齐侯为主,此羔裘即传位之信物,皆献齐侯以定夺,否则仅以车服之献,如何能令”齊侯喜,與之陽穀“也。 召南羔羊”羔羊之皮、素絲五紽“,还有郑风唐风郐风之羔裘篇是何意,你明白了么?


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 溱洧/佚名: Mid-spring feast

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 溱洧/Zheng Wind – Zhen River and Wei River Or watch the video at Bilibili: 郑风 溱洧 A condolence poem to Duke Mu(郑穆公) probably which excellently reflected the localRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 有女同车/佚名: The girl representing the soul

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 有女同车/Zheng Wind – She Was on Same Chariot Video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 有女同车 The grandson or granddaughter representing his/her passed away grandfather/mother’s soul is so calledRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 遵大路/佚名: Road to cemetery

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 遵大路/Zheng Wind – A toast to Grand Chariot Above video could be watch on Bilibili: 郑风 遵大路 A new interpretation is developed not only for this poem butRead More…