Tag Archives: 悼亡诗


古诗漫谈 清明/杜牧 邶风/日月 和祭祖 第二节

在Duolingo的中国古诗双周聚会,诗友和中文爱好者分享和交流的地方。 点这里在B站也可以看:邶风 日月 本视频是会议之后再次录制,网会多聊了些闲话所以重录。 第一节解读了唐人俊杰杜牧的“清明”一诗,探讨了为何清明时节杜牧不去祭祖而访酒的奇特现象。 第二节探讨了“邶风 日月”一诗,并推断此诗可能是中国有史以来最早的祭祖诗,也是后代所谓的悼亡诗的鼻祖。 诗经国风里的祭祖诗有相当的数量被错误解读成所谓的刺诗或者妇女怀人之诗。本视频从发掘中国古人的世界观开始,探讨了中国人祭祖的发端和现状,再以古人之情逆“邶风 日月”一诗之诗意,探讨了诗中“日月”, “东方”,“之人”的意义, 比较了”畜我不卒“现代解读和古典解读之天壤之别,以及由此带来的对本诗的误读。


Chinese poem illustration/唐风 葛生/佚名 Will he wake up alone?

Chinese poem illustration: 唐风 葛生/ Tang Wind – Kudzu Grows by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 唐风 葛生 A very touching condolence poem (悼亡诗) treated as the very first inRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/小雅 祈父/佚名 To my poor father

Chinese poem illustration: 小雅 祈父/ Xiaoya – Uncle Qi by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili:小雅 祈父 Interpreted as a blaming poem by Han scholars(汉儒), a soldier blames the general Qifu(祈父)Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 绿衣/佚名 Her remnant

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风/绿衣 Bei Wind/Green Suits by Anonymous Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 邶风 绿衣 Poetry for the Passed Away(悼亡诗) starts from this poem, it also employedRead More…