Tag Archives: 唐玄宗


Chinese poem illustration/长恨歌/白居易/ Royal Romance

Chinese poem illustration: 长恨歌1/ Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 长恨歌1 Part 1: Poem illustration starts from 11:30 after background introduction. PartRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 望岳/杜甫 On top of the world- Du Fu in youth

Chinese poem illustration: 望岳/ Looking to the Sacred Mountain by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 望岳 Du Fu in youth time was a totally different figureRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 滁州西涧/韦应物 A tied up boat in troubled water

Chinese poem illustration: 滁州西涧/ The West Creek of Chuzhou by Wei Yingwu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 滁州西涧 Embedding the most profound feeling into simple and plain words(寄至味于淡泊,Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 丽人行/杜甫 Beauties in picnic

Chinese poem illustration: 丽人行/ Song of Beauties by Du Fu Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 丽人行1 This poem depicts most luxurious picnic in the famous garden Qujiang(曲江) atRead More…