Tag Archives: FanMandarin


Chinese poem illustration/元日述怀/卢照邻 vs 田家元日/孟浩然 Two decent Chinese in new year’s day

Poem1: 元日述怀/ Thoughts of New Year’s Day by Lu ZhaolinPoem2: 田家元日/ Farmer’s New Year’s Day by Meng Haoran This video is my celebration to 2022 tiger year’s Spring Festival, by comparing twoRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 静女/佚名 Romance or brotherhood?

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 静女/Bei Wind – Your silence Full video also available at Bilibili: 邶风 静女 Taken as a vivid and touching love poem eversince, a new deciphering is put forwardRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/召南 江有汜/佚名 Elegy to his lord

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 江有汜/Shao Wind – Dead in Yangtze River by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 江有汜 An elegy to his lord who passed away somewhere in YangtzeRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/召南 小星/佚名 Stars resemble King and War

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 小星/Shao Wind – Little Stars by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 小星 Stellars and stars being believed as the mandate of heaven, a King wouldRead More…