Tag Archives: 唐诗


Chinese poem illustration/金缕衣/佚名 Just do it

Chinese poem illustration: 金缕衣/ Golden Thread Suit by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 金縷衣 A pop song with the real virtue of Tang people: Just Do It!Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/塞下曲六首 其一/李白 At the frontier

Chinese poem illustration: 塞下曲六首 其一/ Under the Fortress by Li Bai YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 塞下曲六首 By Li Bai but less popular than the other two UnderRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/塞下曲/许浑 At the frontier

Chinese poem illustration: 塞下曲 Under the Fortress by Xu Hun YouTube above not applicable? watch full video on Bilibili: 塞下曲 The Frontier and Fortress Poetry( 边塞诗) is one of the key flavorRead More…



停车坐爱枫林晚,轻薄登徒一字淫。 陕西话“坐”“凑”一个音,cou,日常语常说“凑斯滴”=凑是的。战国策:士争凑燕,这个凑是奔赴,趋近的意思。诗中“坐”和“凑”通假字,取凑义。 普通话没有“凑斯滴”,有“就是的”,“就”字本意也是趋近,奔赴的意思。齐语:“昔圣王之处士也,使就闲燕;处工,就官府;处商,就市井;处农,就田野.” 嘿嘿,会不会“凑”是秦腔,“就”是齐语,貌似是两个语言中的同义字啊。妄言妄言,猜测而已。 杜牧名句翻译成普通话就是“停车就爱枫林晚”。登徒子们失望了吧😄。