Tag Archives: FanMandarin


Chinese poem illustration/鄘风 定之方中/佚名: Planning and rebuild Wei state

Chinese poem illustration: 鄘风 定之方中/Yong Wind – Pegasus Get to Center(South) Full video also available at Bilibili: 鄘风 定之方中 This poem could be a wonderful remark to the history of Wei state(卫国),Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/鄘风 墙有茨/佚名 烝: Steam goes up

Chinese poem illustration: 鄘风 墙有茨/Yong Wind – Reeds on Wall This video is also available at Bilibili: 鄘风 墙有茨 This poem is a satire to the harem of Wei state(卫国), where happenedRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/鄘风 柏舟/佚名 Oath of a Countess

Chinese poem illustration: 鄘风 柏舟/Yong Wind – Boat of Cypress Wood Watch full video on Bilibili: 鄘风 柏舟 This poem must have had borrowed a lot from the same title poem inRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 二子乘舟/佚名 How a state collapses

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 二子乘舟/Bei Wind – Two Princes on a Boat This video is also available at Bilibili: 邶风 二子乘舟 This poem is about a real story recorded in Zuozhuan(春秋左传) andRead More…