Tag Archives: poetry


Chinese poem illustration/ 望岳/杜甫 On top of the world- Du Fu in youth

Chinese poem illustration: 望岳/ Looking to the Sacred Mountain by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 望岳 Du Fu in youth time was a totally different figureRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 春望/杜甫 Spring is a sad thing for patriot

Chinese poem illustration:春望 /Spring Watching by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 春望 After months trapped in Chang’an city, the capital by the rebellions of Anshi Turmoil(安史之乱),Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/早发白帝城/李白 Downstream the Three Gorges on a light boat

Chinese poem illustration: 早发白帝城/ Start Early at Baidi City by Li Bai Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 早发白帝城 A homeward bound poem written in his last 3 yearsRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/少年行 二首/王维 李白 The best boy in the best time

Chinese poem illustration: 少年行/ Song for Juvenile by Wang Wei and Li Bai 昨天考完汉办的国际汉语教师面试,忐忑就一个字儿…耽搁了一阵的中国诗词英文视频,不敢耽搁, 今天就开始啦, 不辞辛苦, 读友们高抬贵手,点个赞啊. Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 少年行 王维/李白 Song for Juvenile(少年行) isRead More…