Tag Archives: poetry



自18年5月12号第一首英文讲解古诗词视频发布起, 到今天一年有余了.读诗,其一深感古典文学诗词的修养太浅薄, 其二为了磨练英文和讲解.两样事情, 起初都是为了进入对外汉语教师的职业而磨练技艺, 在过程中渐渐被古诗古人感动, 时时沾巾. 而后抬起头来,胸怀顿广, 面目华彩. 读诗, 就是体味各位仙圣佛鬼人的一生, 也是于虚无中无限接近人生极乐,世间至悲或者行坐入禅的过程. 在风轻云淡或者雷电交加的荒蛮南地,能体味这样一份经历,如此情感, 夫复何求. 一年下来, youtube上发布了112个视频,涉及約100首古诗中有诗经,汉乐府, 汉古诗, 魏晋风骨, 南朝小令田园, 唐诗,宋金词. 唐诗占压倒多数, 其他的朝代少量诗词, 多用来说明诗词的传承和演化. 楚辞和宋词以降,还未染指. 第一首李白”将进酒”发布于2018.5.12,视频中 “将”字误读为jiang1. 本文之前的是李贺的”金铜仙人辞汉歌”, 发布于2019.5.30. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟. 的的确确, 我也开始意吟了, 以下皆胡吟也. 寒风瑟瑟,无家可归,安得广厦,寒士欢颜Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 鸟鸣涧/王维 Spring is silent , either empty

Chinese poem illustration:鸟鸣涧 Birds Singing Creek by Wang Wei This poem is one of five poems that Wang Wei wrote for his friend’s Cloud Creek Villa(云溪别墅) just outside of Shaoxing town(绍兴). UnlikeRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 南园十三首 其五/李贺 Drop down pens for sword

Chinese poem illustration: 南园十三首·其五 13 Songs of South Field . Fifth by Li He Full video also available at Bilibili: 南园十三首 其五 One of the leading poet in mid-Tang period, with theRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘/韩愈 Testament to grandchild

Chinese poem illustration: 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘 Abandoned to Chaozhou and Words to Grand Nephew Sun Xiang by Han Yu Full video also available at Bilibili: 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘 An annoying paper to the emperor in theRead More…