Tag Archives: 唐詩


Chinese poem illustration/ 夜雨寄北/李商隐 A home letter

Chinese poem illustration: 夜雨寄北 Writing to North in a Raining Night by Li Shangyin YouTube above not applicable? watch full video on Bilibili: 夜雨寄北 A letter to his wife in Chang’An city,Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 乐游原/李商隐 Are setting sun the best?

Chinese poem illustration: 乐游原 Leyou Plateau by Li Shangyin YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 乐游原 The setting sun is the best(夕阳无限好) is such a popular wording today toRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 赤壁/杜牧 Battlefield site tour

Chinese poem illustration: 赤壁/ Chibi by Du Mu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 赤壁 Chibi( Red Cliff) is a place of great renown, the battlefield of Battle ofRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 次北固山下/王湾 Sailing to the open sea

Chinese poem illustration: 次北固山下/ Anchored at the Foot of Beigu Mount by Wang Wan The starter gun of Prosperous Tang Period(盛唐), the true spirit of the time, taken as motto by aRead More…