Tag Archives: Tang Wind


Chinese poem illustration/唐风 扬之水/佚名 The mandate of heaven

Chinese poem illustration: 唐风 扬之水/ Tang Wind – Spread Water Upward by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 唐风 扬之水 Everybody is sure that this poem is about the infamous palaceRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/唐风 山有枢/佚名 Dead end

Chinese poem illustration: 唐风 山有枢/ Tang Wind – Shu Trees on Mount by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 唐风 山有枢 The lengendary Jin state(晋国), where the Tang Wind came fromRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/唐风 蟋蟀/佚名 Thrifty or stingy?

Chinese poem illustration: 唐风 蟋蟀/ Tang Wind – Cricket by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 唐风 蟋蟀🦗 Before illustration to this poem which started at 9:18, a brief to theRead More…