Tag Archives: tang poem


Chinese poem illustration/ 绝句二首/杜甫 Beautiful Chengdu city In Spring

Chinese poem illustration: 绝句二首/ Jueju Two by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 绝句二首 The two poems looks like a very ordinary scenic view depicting poems ,Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 丽人行/杜甫 Beauties in picnic

Chinese poem illustration: 丽人行/ Song of Beauties by Du Fu Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 丽人行1 This poem depicts most luxurious picnic in the famous garden Qujiang(曲江) atRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 过故人庄/孟浩然 The Chinese villa

Chinese poem illustration: 过故人庄/ Passing by Old Friend’s Villa by Meng Haoran Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 过故人庄 The very typical and famous poem of Mountain River andRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 清明/杜牧 QingMing Festival, a fake poem?

Chinese poem illustration:清明/ Qingming by Du Mu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 清明 The famous poem Qingming could be a fake poem, like some other Song dynasty poemsRead More…