Tag Archives: 长安


Chinese poem illustration/长恨歌/白居易/ Royal Romance

Chinese poem illustration: 长恨歌1/ Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 长恨歌1 Part 1: Poem illustration starts from 11:30 after background introduction. PartRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作/王维 Imperial chanting

Chinese poem illustration: 和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作 Reply to Officer Jia’s Poem of Morning Assembly In Daming Palace by Wang Wei YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作 Daming Palace(大明宫) is theRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 暮秋独游曲江/李商隐 Feeling in his last days

Chinese poem illustration: 暮秋独游曲江/ Alone to Qujiang in Late Autumn by Li Shangyin YouTube above not applicable? watch full video on Bilibili: 暮秋独游曲江 Alone to the Qujiang(曲江) ruin in Chang’an city inRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 乐游原/李商隐 Are setting sun the best?

Chinese poem illustration: 乐游原 Leyou Plateau by Li Shangyin YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 乐游原 The setting sun is the best(夕阳无限好) is such a popular wording today toRead More…