Tag Archives: 白居易


Chinese poem illustration/ 酬乐天初逢扬州席上见赠/刘禹锡 I am the sunken boat, either the dying tree

Chinese poem illustration: 酬乐天初逢扬州席上见赠/ Reply to Letian at First Encounter Dinner in Yangzhou by Liu Yuxi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video here: 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 A famous mount is by its fairyRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 琵琶行 part1-3/白居易 Encounter Pipa lute in exile

Chinese poem illustration: 琵琶行 Song of Pipa by Bai Juyi Part 1: The background and the prelude of this poem. Part 2: The first and second paragraph of the poem. Part3: TheRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 和梦得夏至忆苏州呈卢宾客/白居易 Memory in the longest day

Chinese poem illustration: 和梦得夏至忆苏州呈卢宾客/ Reply to Mengde’s Poem Titled as a Recall to Suzhou for Mr. Lu in Summer Solstice Day by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video atRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 定风波/苏轼 They settled down at south sea

Chinese poem illustration: 定风波·南海归赠王定国侍人寓娘/ Dingfengbo . For Mr. Wang Dingguo’s Concubine Yuniang Who Just Back from South Sea by Su Shi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 定风波 南海归赠王定国侍人寓娘Read More…