Tag Archives: 春节



岁次上章流新疫,建阳辛丑又一年。灭活信使出厂慢,赑屃装箱跨洋轻。 试问人间应不好?鬼病漫漫抽丝闲。暂且把酒话桑麻,去来盈缩不问天。 “上章”乃庚子年岁星星纪,”灭活”和”信使”分指新冠的灭灰疫苗和mRNA疫苗。下附微博@不会游泳的徐胖子的打油。 太岁辛丑年,疾病稍纷纷。吴越桑麻好,荆楚米麦臻。春夏均甘雨,秋冬得十分。桑叶树头秀,蚕姑自欢欣。人民渐苏息,六畜瘴逡巡


Chinese poem illustration/元日述怀/卢照邻 Tang flower dances

Chinese poem illustration: 元日述怀/ Review and Wish in New Year’s Day by Lu Zhaolin Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 元日述怀 Lu is one of the Four Maestro ofRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/元日/王安石 Happy New Year!二零一九大吉

Read a classic Chinese poem 1000 years ago , know about the changes of Chinese New Year. 读一首古诗, 了解中国新年的变迁. Chinese poem illustration: 元日 New Year’s Day by Wang Anshi Youtube above notRead More…