Chinese poem illustration Part/周南 关雎/佚名 Lord’s affair
Chinese poem illustration: 周南 关雎/ Zhou Wind – Guanju the Turtledove by Anonymous 1st song in Book of Songs, the book was believed to be the final revision by confucius, not theRead More…
Chinese poem illustration: 周南 关雎/ Zhou Wind – Guanju the Turtledove by Anonymous 1st song in Book of Songs, the book was believed to be the final revision by confucius, not theRead More…
本文从先秦字书”方言”入手, 结合”诗经”文本和周南关中地域的鸟类调查和习性, 开创性探讨了雎鸠的真实面目, 希望能赋予中华第一诗”关雎”以更多,更准确的人文,历史和自然背景. Referencing to Dialects, a book written by Yang Xiong(扬雄) around 53 BCE-18 CE, the species of the bird Ju Jiu(雎鸠), its historical and cultural significance are analysed inRead More…