Tag Archives: 王风



王风大车有“謂予不信、有如皦日”,有人(周王)跟我说”不信“(此盟,即”死则同穴“),(我)说有如我们盟于日,即指日发誓。”曒日“乃大白方白伐日,即谋猷盟誓于朝之象也。皦字在经典文献中仅见本篇,若流传有序,最左部乃大白(伯),此处指周王,中间部乃方白(伯),诸侯国畿内国之君也,反文旁乃谋猷行事也,二伯谋猷行事只有祭祀婚姻燕射盟誓诸事,谋猷于旦于日乃政事之盟誓也。 道德经”其上不皦,其下不昧“乃指君子不要滥盟,百姓不要愚昧不明,即君子百姓无等级无差别,处于类似原始共产主义的状态。春秋时代诸侯宗族各方政治势力间开始大量盟誓,所谓小雅巧言”君子屢盟、亂是用長“,乱世之象也,这也是老子之慨叹。


Chinese poem illustration/王风 兔爰/佚名: West Zhou to East Zhou

Chinese poem illustration: 王风 兔爰/King Wind – Rabbits here Full video also available at Bilibili: 王风 兔爰 I beleive this poem was by King Ping(周平王), he blamed his father, the passed awayRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/王风 君子阳阳/佚名: Flute and plume

Chinese poem illustration: 王风 君子阳阳/King Wind – Lord and Suns Watch full video on Bilibili: 王风 君子阳阳 A poem about a typical ancestor worship ceremony, very likely a imitator of Bei Wind(邶风)Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/王风 大车/佚名 A young soldier

Chinese poem illustration: 王风 大车/ King Wind – Grand Chariot by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 王风 大车 Love is a modern concept to Chinese. It is not to sayRead More…