Tag Archives: 乐府


Chinese poem illustration/出塞/王昌龄 The long march

Chinese poem illustration: 出塞/Out Fortress Gateway by Wang Changling YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 出塞 One of the masterpiece of Frontier and Fortress Poetry(边塞诗), with the borrowed andRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/子夜吴歌.秋歌/李白 War and women

Chinese poem illustration: 子夜吴歌 秋歌/ Wu State Song in Midnight: Song of Autumn by Li Bai Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 子夜吴歌 秋歌 Wu State Song in MidnightRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/十五从军征/佚名 A 2000 years folk song reminds me of Irish song Danny Boy

Chinese poem illustration: 十五从军征/Enrolled in the Army at 15 by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 十五从军征 A simple plain straightforward narrative folk poem in Han dynasty. ItRead More…