十月桂花弄,海隅一客独。鬼魅昨夜去,风云自轻浓。 —–11.1于黄家驹墓 一曲长恨仙游寺,八仙有字景教石。 —读网文赋对 溯洄维湄岗,熙熙未老童。经年不曾此,酒肆半冥空。 –11.23选举日游赤柱 竖子三千里,亲爷御鹤归。北望终南霭,水酒一寸心。 —11.27桑考
十月桂花弄,海隅一客独。鬼魅昨夜去,风云自轻浓。 —–11.1于黄家驹墓 一曲长恨仙游寺,八仙有字景教石。 —读网文赋对 溯洄维湄岗,熙熙未老童。经年不曾此,酒肆半冥空。 –11.23选举日游赤柱 竖子三千里,亲爷御鹤归。北望终南霭,水酒一寸心。 —11.27桑考
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Chinese poem illustration: 易水歌 Song of Yi River by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 易水歌 This video is a salute and memorial to Mr. Jin Yong, theRead More…
Chinese poem illustration: 江雪 River and Snow by Liu Zongyuan Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 江雪 The River Snow(江雪), is actually a life and death question raised toRead More…