Chinese poem illustration/商颂 殷武/佚名 The end
Chinese poem illustration: 商颂 殷武/Shang Song – Yin Wu by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 商颂 殷武 The last poem in Shijing was strangely categorized as an anthem song withRead More…
Chinese poem illustration: 商颂 殷武/Shang Song – Yin Wu by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 商颂 殷武 The last poem in Shijing was strangely categorized as an anthem song withRead More…
Chinese poem illustration: 商颂 玄鸟/Shang Song – Black Bird by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 商颂 玄鸟 This anthem is dedicated to god of heaven and the first Shang King,Read More…
墨子尚贤篇有: 是故古者圣王之为政也,言曰:“不义不富,不义不贵,不义不亲,不义不近。”是以国之富贵人闻之,皆退而谋曰:‘始我所恃者,富贵也,今上举义不辟贫贱,然则我不可不为义。’亲者闻之,亦退而谋曰:‘始我所恃者亲也,今上举义不辟疏,然则我不可不为义。’近者闻之,亦退而谋曰:‘始我所恃者近也,今上举义不避远,然则我不可不为义。’远者闻之,亦退而谋曰:‘我始以远为无恃,今上举义不辟远,然则我不可不为义。 “不义不富,不义不贵,不义不亲,不义不近”当解为“不举义于不富”,即论义举人之时,不论富贵与否。“不义”即不论义于,“不富”则是富贵与否的意思。换一种说法就明了了,“不义于富”。 四字骈文,是其时雄文大言的标准句式,精简变化繁多。墨子怕此不x不x的句式被讹传,还在其后专门详解:富人听闻此言,知道世道转变,仅仅倚靠自我的财富不再被举为义,如此只能不断自我修义,取义成仁。 通常的解读为“不义的人不使富裕,不义的人不使显贵,不义的人不使相亲,不义的人不使接近”,明显上下文相悖。
树下初秋雨涌泉钵甸山云明西山暗雨碎衣袜寒 8.11傍晚从大浪湾徒步经钵甸乍观景平台,行至歌连臣角道雨点纷纷,不到十分钟已成暴雨,山泉簌簌,万籁迸发,听雨偶得。