
古诗漫谈 元日/王安石

在Duolingo酝酿多时的中国古诗双周聚会终于成行了,这是第二讲。第一讲王维的观猎和古代田猎,可惜忘了录屏。两次网会都只有一个与会者,觉得俺的分享还有点意思,可以继续搞下去。不做此无为之事,俺这糟粕之声也无从排遣,继续吧,每双周日的北京时间10pm-11pm,腾讯会议。 希望这里可以成为诗友和中文爱好者分享和交流的地方,各方神圣皆献所能,分享各自对古诗的理解和感悟,千万不要让此会成为俺的一言堂,就不好玩儿,很不好玩! 本视频为会议录播,诗词的讲解从21:02 开始。看不了下面油管的可以来Bilibili:元日 王安石 “尧典”补充资料:CCTV科教频道之尧舜之都四https://tv.cctv.com/2018/06/10/VIDEdLNHPHZJ5LLTteF45g4w180610.shtml


Chinese poem illustration/齐风 鸡鸣/佚名 Bed talks

Chinese poem illustration: 齐风 鸡鸣/ Qi Wind – Cock Crow by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 齐风 鸡鸣 Poem illustration starts at 7:20 after a short introduction to Qi State(齐国).Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 野有蔓草/佚名 The mysterious beauty?

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 野有蔓草/ Zheng Wind – Kudzu in the Wild by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 野有蔓草 A popular love poem featured with unique wording for beautyRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 出其东门/佚名 Beauties as clouds?

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 出其东门/ Zheng Wind – Out of the East Gate by Anonymous Zheng Wind was described as erotic(郑风淫) by Song scholars(宋儒) which actually derived from the words of Confucius:Read More…