
Chinese Poem Illustration/登幽州台歌/陈子昂 Symbolic poem for early Tang period

Chinese poem illustration 登幽州台歌/ Ascend Youzhou Platform by Chen Ziang Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登幽州台歌 The most famous Tang poem wrote about Beijing, which is a frontierRead More…


“邶风 旄丘”新探

摘要:以诗情释读入手发现疑点,考查先秦文献和现代考古发现,确定诗中“流离”即琉璃,推断“琐”,“尾”极大可能是西周墓葬中的有孔琉璃珠和琉璃管。探讨了旄丘特立于诗经的修辞手法。 Abstract:By exploreing the irrational writing generally interpreted today in the 4th paragraph ,with digging into classic literature and today’s archaeology finding out, Liuli(流离) is confirmed as coloured glaze which was theRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 旄丘/佚名 Morality and code damaged – 礼崩乐坏

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 旄丘/ Bei Wind – Mao Hill by Anonymous Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 邶风 旄丘 Most countries today are by law and bureaucracy, whileRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/登科后/孟郊 The grand examination

Chinese poem illustration: 登科后/ After Passing the Grand Examination by Meng Jiao Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登科后 Jun 7,8,9 is Chinese university admission exam dates. This nationalRead More…