
Chinese poem illustration/郐风 匪风/佚名 Heart shaking in breezelessness

Chinese poem illustration: 郐风 匪风/ Chen Wind – No Wind by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 郐风 匪风 Poem introduction starts at 10:10 after a briefing to Gui(Kuai) Wind(桧风) andRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/陈风 株林/佚名 A widow

Chinese poem illustration: 陈风 株林/ Chen Wind – Woods of Zhu by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 陈风 株林 A simple poem with an astonishing background in real history, itRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/陈风 东门之枌/佚名 Hemp stripes wave

Chinese poem illustration: 陈风 东门之枌/ Chen Wind – Tomb Outside of East Gate by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 陈风 东门之枌 A simple condolence poem might be mistakenly interpretated asRead More…



今天做了去谷歌第一步,停用了User Registration插件,新装了腾讯云验证码(CAPTCHA)插件。腾讯插件安装简单,5分钟连腾讯API申请和插件安装设置一并搞定。想两年前安装User Register, 设置Google API和CAPTCHA, 那可是好好折腾了一大壶,头一次没搞定。隔了一两个礼拜回过味来,才设置成功。装User registrationde的目的并不是有管理用户的需求,仅仅为了其自带的reCAPTCHA功能。 今天因为发现Post SMTP不工作了,这个也是谷歌的API之Auth 2.0和SMTP服务之上的wordpress插件,昏头昏脑搞了半天,一怒之下决定全面去谷歌化。否则回国后进wordpress还有不少麻烦。 反复试验,163和QQ的SMTP服务都没试成功,换了SMTP Mailer插件也不行,可能要等回国申请app验证才可以。不过折腾过程中把谷歌reCAPTCHA给顺利换掉了,大快人心。算是走一步看一步吧。最后Post SMTP的问题也解决了:在谷歌API里重新授权给Post SMTP就OK了。但是之前好好的,为啥就需要重新授权呢?也许永远是个谜了。 诸位高人志士,请问国内的SMTP服务和SMTP插件可有推荐的?某人不胜感谢! 5.27后记, 正好十天,因mac自动更新重启,必须重新登录wp的dashboard,呵呵悲剧了,不工作了。还好WP有应急机制,自动发了一封电邮给管理员邮箱,能应急登录,也能看到故障代码。大概如下: Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or themeRead More…