Chinese poem illustration: 木兰辞 Mulan’s Song by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 木兰辞 Mulan, the female hero , a legend story and folk song 1500 years ago,Read More…
Chinese poem illustration/元日/王安石 Happy New Year!二零一九大吉
Read a classic Chinese poem 1000 years ago , know about the changes of Chinese New Year. 读一首古诗, 了解中国新年的变迁. Chinese poem illustration: 元日 New Year’s Day by Wang Anshi Youtube above notRead More…
大概有30首往上了,基本是一周2-3首新视频的节奏.9-10月可能要降低一点频率了,一个是要国内溜一圈,一个是努力学习:). 这里给大家贴俩近期的视频: 曹植的七步诗: 元稹的离思五首
Why Chinese classic poetry为啥读古诗?
A liitle lost in making vidoe clips, this is the new baked, also on youtube: why Chinese Classic poetry. 看不到上面,哈哈你不会翻墙啊,下面的这个跟上面一样的。。。👆👇 上载数次失败,我重新render一个试试。。。wait。。 6.13,博客空间还是无法上载,就在B站上了一个: