

4.6原发于微博 欲把一麾江海去,乐游原上望昭陵。 一麾:武王牧野,“白旄以麾”,陷阵图谋,求武功也。乐游原:杜陵樊川,杜家也。昭陵:梁山之巅,太宗之归,唐家定鼎之宗祖也。 杜牧:离家,求以武功定鼎中唐乱世,慎终怀远,今天的语言就是:不忘初心,牢记使命。 ​​​


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 有女同车/佚名: The girl representing the soul

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 有女同车/Zheng Wind – She Was on Same Chariot Video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 有女同车 The grandson or granddaughter representing his/her passed away grandfather/mother’s soul is so calledRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 遵大路/佚名: Road to cemetery

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 遵大路/Zheng Wind – A toast to Grand Chariot Above video could be watch on Bilibili: 郑风 遵大路 A new interpretation is developed not only for this poem butRead More…