对比了一些豆瓣书评,决定入手高植版,以其原味最浓为上。读小说和历史,盖大作开山冯河,阐幽入微,不仅在结构和思想上高屋建瓴,在风土人情上也画骨入髓。那些令我不时回想的从来都是故事中的某某细节:王事之尘沓,酒浆之挹芳,君子之磋磨,淑女之清扬。。。不料高版之译名和语言跟今日有不小的差别,磕磕绊绊读了百多页后,改人民出版社刘辽逸版了。不过高版的形式是我喜欢的, 保留原著法文原貌,并讲解其中的细微差别,比如波拿巴的两种发音的褒贬含义。 很久没有用手机读大部头书了,国庆期间读得老眼有些昏花了,五味杂陈。托老到晚年对自己这部书并不满意,我也同感,不知道原因是否相同:小说中杂糅了过量的历史评论,占了大概20-30%的篇幅,在今天就是非虚构的内容。非虚构言理智,小说言情感。我想托老到年老的时候明白了自己的创新是失败的。就本书而言, 小说部分无疑值4星,5星, 其非虚构历史评论部分,值2星,这两星不是因其论述的价值,而是它本身作为托老个人的思想史的价值。 全书两种文体杂糅,5分制的话评3星都有点多了。本博部分内容取材于本人的豆瓣评论。
Chinese poem illustration/小雅 鱼藻/佚名 Happy fishes
Chinese poem illustration: 小雅 鱼藻/ Xiaoya – Fishes in Weeds by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 小雅 鱼藻 The 1st poem in sub-chapter Ten Poems of Fishes and Weeds(鱼藻之什), aRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/腊八/夏仁虎 Chinese new year starts from Laba
Chinese poem illustration: 腊八/ Laba Festival by Xia Renhu Full video also available at Bilibili: 腊八 A bowl of congee/porridge cooked with types of rice, seeds and nuts is the signature ofRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/终南望余雪/祖咏 Snow mountain
Chinese poem illustration: 终南望余雪/ Gaze at Melting Snow on South Mountain by Zu Yong Full video also available at Bilibili: 望终南余雪 The great Chang’an city and the vast South Mountain together makeRead More…