Chinese poem illustration: 登科后/ After Passing the Grand Examination by Meng Jiao Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登科后 Jun 7,8,9 is Chinese university admission exam dates. This nationalRead More…
Chinese Poem Illustration/望月怀远/张九龄 Moon and people
Chinese poem illustration: 望月怀远/ Looking to the Moon Think About Remote by Zhang Jiuling Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 望月怀远 Moon or a full moon is always somethingRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/邶风 击鼓/佚名 Hand in hand, aging together
Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 击鼓/ Bei Wind – Striking Drum by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 邶风 击鼓 There are a bunch of war poetry in BookRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/正月十五夜/苏味道 A faded carnival
Chinese poem illustration: 正月十五夜/ The Night of January Fifteenth by Su Weidao YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 正月十五夜 Tang dynasty is always beyond the imaginations of today, oneRead More…