习习谷风,其和其凉。采采香洲,炎升彼蒸。 –4.20 香港
Chinese poem illustration/大风歌/刘邦 Establishing the Han
Chinese poem illustration: 大风歌/ Song of Storm by Liu Bang YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 大风歌 The unique among uniques, Liu Bang, the first emperor struggled his wayRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/贼退示官吏/元结 What is a civil war alike 1300 years ago?
Chinese poem illustration: 贼退示官吏/ A Post to Superior After Defeating Gangster by Yuan Jie YouTube not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 贼退示官吏 The civil war of Tang dynasty(安史之乱) is the watershedRead More…
Chinese poem illustration/邶风 北风/佚名 Hands in hands
Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 北风/ Bei Wind – North Wind by Anonymous YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 邶风 北风 A mis-interpreted poem for 2000 years , at leastRead More…